When you apply for a new passport in India, police verification for passport is an acute stage, and this process is essential for security purposes. Police Verification is mandatory, as per law when you apply for a new passport or a renewal.
In a few cases, police verification is not mandatory depending on documents and type of application.
In this article, we Larisa Realtech will help you to understand modes of police verification.
Online police verification for passports, documents required for police verifications, what is Pre-Police Verifications for Passport, what is Post Police Verification for Passport, Police Verification for Fresh Passports, Post Police Verification with Aadhaar, Police Verification Status for Passport, Post Police Verification for Passport Reissue and Rejection of Passport in Police Verification.
Majorly there are three modes for police verification:
- Pre-Police Verification
- Post Police Verification
- The third one is, No Police Verification
How to do Online Police Verification
After applying for a new passport or a renewal, passport authorities alert the police, and after this, the police station typically starts the verification process. Applicants can check the status on the Passport Seva official website; candidates can also apply for police verification.
Here is a step-by-step process to submit the online form mentioned below:
Step 1: On Internet, search Passport Seva Online Portal.
Step 2: Click on the “Register Now” link when the website opens.
Step 3: When you complete the registration process, and all details fill in, you must log in to the portal using the Login ID.
Step 4: Fourth process is click on “Apply for Police Clearance Certificate.” After Login.
Step 5: Fill up the form with your relevant details.
Step 6: After this step, click on “Pay and Schedule Appointment”. This option can be found on the screen below the ‘View Saved or Submitted Applications.
Step 7: After selection, make the online payment.
Step 8: After this process, click “Print Application Receipt”‘. This slip contains the (ARN) Application Reference Number. You will also get an SMS with the ARN on your registered mobile number.
Step 9: Visit the nearest Passport Seva Kendra or Regional Passport Officer where the appointment has been scheduled. Please be sure that the original documents should be carried out when you visit the office.
Documents Required for Police Verification:
There are some documents required for Police Verification for Passports:
- You must require Address Proof: Water bill or electricity bill etc.
- The second must document is Identity Proof: Pan card or Aadhar Card.
- An affidavit is a must for this process.
What is Pre-Police Verification for a Passports?
Generally, the police verification is often finished after the applicant has finished the application form and attached all required documentation, annexures, and other certificates, but before the application is authorized and before the passport issue.
After filling out the form, the person in charge of the police station starts the applicant’s residence verification.
A police officer checks all the applicants’ details, consisting of the applicant’s age, name and address. The police officer made a personal visit to the applicant’s house.
Police station gets in regular touch with the passport agency and asks them to issue the applicant’s passport if the information is correct and verified.
What is Post Police Verification for Passports?
Before the passport issue, Police verification is often conducted. However, there is a possibility for post-allocation police confirmation. The applicant’s passport has already been issued in this case, and also the confirmation process is complete.
If the applicant applies for renewal of the passport before the ongoing passport expiry date, new regulations no longer require police verifications.
Moreover, the applicant’s earlier police verification should be correct, and they shouldn’t have been charged with any offence.
No Police Verification for Fresh Passports
Generally, Police verifications is not required for new passport applications.
This is applicable if the Regional Passport Officer determines that a police check is not required for a specific passports confirmation.
If the passport renewal application is submitted within three years of the expiry date or before the expiry date, also police verifications is not compulsory.
This system must show that the police verifications was completed and a No Objection Certificate (NOC) was required after the form submission.
Government employees, Public Sector Undertaking, and legal bodies, for example, who apply for a new passport by presenting an ID or certificate as annexure “B” (in addition to their application documents) will receive their passport without police confirmation.
Applicants’ own political and official passports will also be afforded police confirmation when applying for a regular passport if they provide their ID or certificate by annexure “B.”
Post Police Verification with Aadhaar
To help people more efficiently, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has sanctioned post-police verification with Aadhar for passport applicants upon presentation of specific facts.
Applicants must provide an affidavit along with their Aadhaar card, PAN card, and also voter ID card to be considered for this position (Annexure E).
Applicants with a criminal record are not permitted to use this facility. As soon as the Aadhaar is verified, candidates who submit their ID and documents will allow a new passport, presuming that all other’s provided documentation is correct.
Police Verification Status for Passport:
When applying for a new passport, the police issue various statuses for police verifications.
Given below, there are different types of Police verification statuses:
- Clear – this process indicates that the police have found no cause for tell and that the candidate has no pending criminal cases against them.
- Adverse – In this process, the passport has been kept back or cancelled because the police found some errors in the applicant’s documents throughout the confirmation process. This inconsistency could be caused by the applicant giving a false or wrong address on their application form. Criminal charges against the applicant that are still pending in court could be another reason.
- Incomplete- During the verification process, the police found the documents submitted to be insufficient, stopping the process midway. Another reason could be the police station not correctly filling out the confirmation report.
In a few cases where the candidate has not been a resident at their current location of residence for a long time, and verification from the previous location has not been possible, the police could label the confirmation incomplete due to insufficient details.
After the completion of police verification, a report is generated, and the passport can either be cancelled or permitted on the above basis.
The applicant has the alternative to go to the police station that provides the verification report and ask for clarification if the passport is not sanctioned because of an unfavorable or Incomplete remark.
Post Police Verification for Passport Reissue
When the passport is issued to the applicant, the post-police verification is done. Police confirmation is not required to reissue or renew the old passport if the date of the passport is not expired.
To avail of this service, there should be no criminal charges against the candidate.
The working people in the statutory body, public and also government sectors can get a passport without police verification by the department.
After submitting the NO Objection Certificate as per Annexure G, according to the law, a passport can be allowed on behalf of post-police verification.
Rejection of Passport in Police Verification
The application process is insufficient without police verification.
The request may get rejected if the applicant fails to submit legal documents and fills in their address detail incorrectly in the form.
Also, suppose the applicant will be unavailable during police verification due to shifting to another location or urgent work.
In that case, it may be the reason for the rejection of Passport verification.
We hope you read our article entirely and all your doubts regarding Police Verification, modes of Police Verifications, documents required for police verification, and online police verification of Passports, also what is Pre and Post Police Verification for passports, Police Verification status, Post police Verification with Aadhar, and Post Police Verifications, Reissue and Rejection of Passport in Police Verification has been resolved.
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1. How many days to get passport after police verification?
After Police verification, passport will dispatch to you within 3 days.
2. How can I file police verification online in Haryana?
Visit official portal of Haryana Police, click on citizen services, click on character certificate then click on citizen login option, fill the document and personal information.
3. How to check police verification status online?
Regional Passport Officer will update Personal Particular form (PP) issue on their web page when you login to webpage with your PP number wherein your PVR status also will be given in one week or so after your PV was done.
4. How do I get a local police verification certificate?
Visit the nearest police station, answer the question by police officer, submit your ID and documents in Passport Portal Seva, Pay the fee by cash or cheque.
5. How to download police verification certificate?
1. Go to official website of passport portal, 2. On homepage click on citizen services, 3. Click on Character Verification and proceed, 4. On login page click on character certificate.
6. How much time it takes for police verification for passport?
For police verification for passport, it takes nearly 21 days.
7. How to do police verification online?
For online police verification go to official website of Saral Haryana Portal to avail these services.
8. What means police verification?
In Police Verification for passport, the police officer checks the identity and documents or criminal record of the applicants.
9. What is the fees of police verification in Delhi?
The fees of police verification in Delhi for individual is 250 Rs. And for the organization is 500 Rs.
10. Can I get PCC from local police station?
To get PCC, you must visit to nearest police station, then follow the mentioned steps.
11. What to do if police verification is not clear for passport?
If police verification is not clear for passport due to wrong documents, you can write to RPO, you get 3 days to reapply passport.
12. What happens after police verification for passport?
After police verification for passport, the police officer visits the address of the applicants mentioned in the form, after the verification, police officer send message to Passport office.
13. How can I do online FIR in Gurgaon?
Go to Haryana Police official website, follow the instruction to fill the FIR, then click on Submit option, then enter the details of suspect as mentioned, enter the details, and click on the submit option.
14. What is physical verification for a passport?
The police officer visits the candidate home for document verification, ID or address proof.
15. Do I have to pay for passport verification?
Yes, to have to pay for passport verification.
16. How many days after police verification, do you receive your passport?
The passport takes nearly 4 – 5 days after verification.