Benefits to keep Laughing Buddha at your home

According to Vastu Shastra, Laughing Buddha is considered a sign of prosperity and should be present in every home. It is a symbol of happiness and can help accumulate positive vibes. Placing a Laughing Buddha statue at the right place can generate the right cosmic energies and remove all your stresses.

The Happy Buddha – Shakyamuni Buddha – is probably the most popular statue and brings good luck and abundance. Sometimes Buddha statues can be bought in pairs or even threes. It is believed that if a person rubs his belly it brings good luck.

The ‘Laughing Buddha‘ is popular as a house-warming gift. It is best to be gifted one, than buying it, should be kept on an elevated surface facing the main door, and never on the floor. It should also not be kept in the bedroom or the dining room.

Do not buy or sell Buddha’s Image for decoration ~ Karma. Many Individuals around the world have an image Buddha’s decorating their homes and businesses. It seems innocent enough, but having a Buddha as decoration is considered bad luck and bad karma by Buddhists around the world.