Top 10 Home Decor Tips 

For Calming Anxiety & Stress

Add Indoor Plants

Happy green houseplants has numerous health benefits. They clear the air of toxins & produce oxygen, which makes our spaces feel fresher.They really calm us down. Researchers found that interacting with indoor plants can reduce stress levels. 

Throw out  Clutter

Cluttered environments have been shown to increase levels of cortisol(stress) & can make you less productive. Declutter what you don’t need or use. You can either store or give away.Decorate with things you like or cherish , they will remind you of the happy moments & reduce anxiety. 

Use Colors Wisely

Colour has a powerful psychological effect, as they evoke emotions and stimulate feelings or memories. Choose colors wisely and too bright colors bring forth anger and aggression and too dull colors are depressing. 

Light has impacts on both physical and mental health.Lighting provides energy, it signals mood when we enter a room.It should be just appropriate. Bright tends to create aggression and also heat in the room. Turning down light keeps one calm and is relaxing

Decorate with Dim Lights

Surrounding yourself with photos or pieces of art that make you happy can instantly lift your mood. Pictures of landscapes, or loved ones, can brighten up your day immensely. These help you cleanse your mind, creating more of a positive mindset to counteract those moments of anxiety. 

Paintings & Photographs

Avoid Screens in Bedroom

Excessive electronic screen time can cause stress and overstimulation. Avoid TV, Laptops, Tabs, Mobile etc in bedroom. Keep gadgets away as much as you can. As you will be restless and tend to check them time to time.  

Pile On Soft Textile

Study says when people have anxiety, they have an increased sensitivity and appreciation for soft textures. The more soft, cuddly pillows/blankets/rugs to cocoon yourself in, the better. 

Spread Calming Scents

Light candles and have your favourite aroma oils burning in diffusers for that calming effect. Turn on some meditating music for soothing effect.

Add Comfortable Furniture

Comfortable seating arrangements such as love seat, plush sofas and cosy armchairs can help you relax better. Add wooden furniture for positive vibes helping you calm your anxiety.

Divide your living room into different zones to make it more functional. You could have a seating area for relaxing, a reading nook, and a space for yoga or meditation. This will help your mind to have clear thoughts.

Create Zones